ning the syntax for links and [[#images_and_other_files|images]] (see below) like this:
[[http://php.n... ted in link names.
The whole [[#images_and_other_files|image]] and [[#links|link]] syntax is supported (... ou can make a horizontal line:
===== Media Files =====
You can include external and internal [[doku>images|images, videos and audio files]] with curly brackets. Optionally you can specify
==== Files mit tar verschieben ====
Files taren verschieben und enttaren:
tar -cf - .|(cd /Zielverzeichnis ; tar -xf -)
Beispiel: \\
Es sollen alle Files von /mnt1/verz1/* nach /mnt2/verz2/* mit User Rechten und Files Zugehörigkeit migriert werden: \\
1: cd /
nen Dateien
rem //IA:RASHNTCEO = include only files with the any of the given attributes set.
rem... uelle enthalten sind.
rem /XO = exclude older files
rem /ETA = show estimated time of arrival of copied files
rem /LOG+:C:\robo.txt = Es wird eine log-Date
ning the syntax for links and [[#images_and_other_files|images]] (see below) like this:
[[http://www.p... ted in link names.
The whole [[#images_and_other_files|image]] and [[#links|link]] syntax is supported (... a horizontal line:
===== Images and Other Files =====
You can include external and internal [[do
ance' => false, to 'maintenance' => true,
3. Neue Files nach owncloud_neu entpacken \\
4. Folgende Files und Verzeichnisse von aktuellem owncloud nach owncloud_