Beispiele für Performance Messung mit sar

Vorausssetzung für SAR Performace Messung installierte packet sysstat

sudo apt-get install sysstat
yum install sysstat
rpm -ivh sysstat-10.0.0-1.i586.rpm

Cron Eintrag:

vi /etc/cron.d/sysstat
# Run system activity accounting tool every 10 minutes
*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa1 1 1
# 0 * * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa1 600 6 &
# Generate a daily summary of process accounting at 23:53
53 23 * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa2 -A

1. CPU Usage of ALL CPUs (sar -u)

sar -u 1

2. CPU Usage of Individual CPU or Core (sar -P)

sar -P ALL 1

3. Memory Free and Used (sar -r)

sar -r 1

4. Swap Space Used (sar -S)

sar -S 1

5. Overall I/O Activities (sar -b)

sar -b 1

6. Individual Block Device I/O Activities (sar -d)

sar -d 1

7. Display context switch per second (sar -w)

sar -w 1

8. Reports run queue and load average (sar -q)

sar -q 1

9. Report network statistics (sar -n)

sar -n DEV 1
sar -n KEYWORD
  DEV – Displays network devices vital statistics for eth0, eth1, etc.,
  EDEV – Display network device failure statistics
  NFS – Displays NFS client activities
  NFSD – Displays NFS server activities
  SOCK – Displays sockets in use for IPv4
  IP – Displays IPv4 network traffic
  EIP – Displays IPv4 network errors
  ICMP – Displays ICMPv4 network traffic
  EICMP – Displays ICMPv4 network errors
  TCP – Displays TCPv4 network traffic
  ETCP – Displays TCPv4 network errors
  UDP – Displays UDPv4 network traffic
  SOCK6, IP6, EIP6, ICMP6, UDP6 are for IPv6
  ALL – This displays all of the above information. The output will be very long.

10. Report Sar Data Using Start Time (sar -s)

sar -q -f /var/log/sa/sa23 -s 10:00:01
sar -q -f /var/log/sa/sa23 -s 10:00:01 | head -n 10
sar -r -f /var/log/sa/sa07 -s 03:00:01 -e 05:00:01                  
